How was the Quilt Acquired?:Fait par le propriétaire.Name of Maker:YvonneSurname:LafrançoisOccupation:RetraitéePlace Maker Lives/Lived:Montréal, LongueuilPlace Made: (Known or Estimate):ConnuPieced by (top):Yvonne LefrançoisQuilted by:Yvonne LafrançoisYear Made:1994-2013Year is (accuracy):ConnuPlace Made:LongueuilOther notes:Cette courtepointe est aussi un chache-couette. Elle fut commencé il y a vingt ans termine en 2013. Patron Maple Leaf.Size in Inches:89½" x 69½"Size: Irregular?:NonPattern:Maple LeafColour (dominant):Vert/MultiGeneral Condition (Top):BonneTechnique:AppliquéHand or Machine Made:Main et machineBlock Set:Placé droitBlock Numbers (whole):12Block Numbers (half):12Size:18"Colour:Vert/MultiSashing Width(s):2 ¾"Sashing Colours:VertSashing Colours: Plain or Print?:UniSashing Number:1Border Number:1Border Width(s):6"Border Total Width (w/ Binding):6"Border Colour(s):VertBorder Colour(s): Plain or Print:UniCorners:En ongletFabric:100% cotonEdging Detail: Other?:EnvelopBatting:Polyester, blancBatting Detail: Other?:MoyenneQuilting (hand):MainStitches Per Inch & Thread Colour:4 points par pouce, fil blancTied:NonQuilting Pattern (main block):¼ au tour des motifsQuilting Pattern (borders):Feuilles et vigneBacking Condition:BonneBacking Fabric:Coton, blanc, uniNumber of Pieces:2Number of Pieces: One fabric or Different Fabrics?:Même tissu
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