How was the Quilt Acquired?:Inherited from Father's estate.Name of Maker:Mabel IdaMaiden Name of Maker:LysterSurname:LysterRelationship to Owner:Great GrandmotherOccupation:TeacherPlace Maker Lives/Lived:Saint Johnsbury VT, Melbourne QCPlace Made: (Known or Estimate):KnownPieced by (top):Ladies Aid, South Durham Methodist ChurchQuilted by:Ladies Aid, South Durham Methodist ChurchYear Made:1901Year is (accuracy):KnowPlace Made:Durham QCMarkings: Other?:Names of 41 Women Embroidered on QuiltOther notes:History of the 41 makers on file.Size in Inches:79" x 72"Size: Irregular?:NoPattern:Signature QuiltColour (dominant):Off whiteGeneral Condition (Top):Good, Used, Not repairedTechnique:Embroidered, PatchworkHand or Machine Made:HandBlock Set:On pointBlock Numbers (whole):41Block Numbers (half):18Block Numbers (quarter):4Size:8½"Colour:Off White, Blue, Red, BrownSashing Width(s):2½"Sashing Colours:Off WhiteSashing Colours: Plain or Print?:PrintSashing Number:1Corners:StraightFabric:100% cottonEdging:Hand, Straight of Goods, Front turned back, BeigeEdging Detail: Other?:WornBatting:CottonBatting Detail: Other?:Medium weight, whiteQuilting (hand):HandQuilting Condition:GoodStitches Per Inch & Thread Colour:5 stitcher per inch, White threadTied:NoQuilting Pattern (main block):2" squares overallBacking Condition:Used, stainedBacking Fabric:Cotton, off white, printedNumber of Pieces:3Number of Pieces: One fabric or Different Fabrics?:One fabric
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