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Geographic View

The Geographic View brings together quilts with locations data and presents the database grouped by Place Made. Return to browse the database.

Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Diane Laframboise Kehle 2007
Diane Laframboise Kehle 2011
Diane Laframboise Kehle 2012
Danielle Desbiens N/A 2000
Danielle Desbiens N/A 2006
Andrée Claveau Hoyer 2012
Andrée Claveau Hoyer 2013
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2000
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2002
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2007
Julian Pittarelli N/A 2013
Jeanne-D'arc Thibault Beaucage 1970
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2012
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2012
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2012
Cinzia Allocca N/A 2014
Ange Aimée Roch N/A 1950
Unknown N/A N/A 2014
Andrée Lapointe N/A 2013
Eloise N/A Deslongchamps
Nicole Vigneault Duval 2014
Gisèle Bureau Paquin 2013
Josée Fleury N/A 2009
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2013
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2012
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2014
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2014
Louise Fortin N/A 2012
Louise Fortin N/A 2013
Louise Fortin N/A 2013
Chantal N/A Truchon 2015
Chantal N/A Truchon 2014
Chantal Truchon N/A 2014
Louise Fortin N/A 2009
Louise Fortin N/A 2011
Louise Fortin N/A 2014
Louise Fortin N/A 2014
Michelle Gelinas Krencisz 2002
Michelle Gelinas Krencisz 2010
Michele Gelinas Krencisz 2012
Michele Gelinas Krencisz 2014
Danielle Grenache N/A 2014
Jeanne d'Arc Ponton N/A 2014
Jeanne d'Arc Ponton N/A 2015
Jeanne d'Arc Ponton N/A 1976
Karen Desparois N/A 2015
Caroline Labonté Mayo 1960
Lucie De Stéphano N/A 1987
Hélène Ricard N/A 2016
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2016
Laurette Hervieux Galarneau 1950
Yvonne Papineau Dubé
Michelle Brouillette Durocher 2016
Louise Fortin N/A 2014
Louise Fortin N/A 2017
Louise Fortin N/A 2016
Louise Fortin N/A 2015
Louise Fortin N/A 2016
Louise Fortin N/A 2014
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Florence Scott Cleary 2010
Agnes Wong N/A 2014
Agnes Wong N/A 2014
Lily Yeung Lam 2014
Catherine LeMaistre Anthony 2014
Francine Leduc Houle 2014
Debby Lichtenstein Soll 2015
Debby Lichtenstein Soll 2015
Debbie Annette Shepherd Andreatos 2013
Debbie Annette Shepherd Andreatos 2012
Karen Desparois N/A 2015
Haleh Amin Farshchi 2000
Haleh Amin Farshchi 1997
Haleh Amin Farshchi 1995
Mary F.A. Jamieson McCutcheon 1898
Corrine Josin Blackburn 2005
Montreal & Israel
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Unknown Mary Pitman Baldwin N/A 2000
Montréal (Saint-Léonard) QC
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Mireille N/A Rico 2021
Montreal - Anjou
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Odette Ganiere Guyon 1980
Odette Ganiere Guyon 1980
Odette Ganiere Guyon 1981
Montreal 2012
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Blemmers ont participe a la confection * N/A N/A 2012
Montreal and Howick
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Sally Donnan Summerton and Emily Ulley Summerton Sally Donnan Summerton and Emily Ulley Summerton N/A 1925
Montreal area
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Unknown C.Q.Q N/A 2004
Montreal East
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Lilianne Perreault Gregoire 1945
Montreal et St. Pereol-les-neiges
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Genevieve Mageau N/A 2008
Genevieve Mageau N/A 2006
Genevieve Mageau N/A 2006
Genevieve Mageau N/A 2009
Montreal Nord
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Thelma Pratte Germain 2013
Montréal Nord QC
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Paulette Lalièvre N/A 2014
Montreal or Quebec City
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Jessie and Elizabeth McKay N/A 1860
Montreal Ouest
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Diane Shink N/A N/A 1998
Montréal QC
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Michèle Gelinas Krencisz 2016
Nicole Vigneault Duval 2017
Membres de la Guilde (voir Notes) N/A N/A 2017
Josée Fleury N/A 2012
Pierrette Pouliot Laurence 2014
Pierrette Pouliot Laurence 2016
Michèle Gelinas Krencisz 2015
Michèle Gelinas Krencisz 2016
Michèle Gelinas Krencisz 2009
Andrée Dufort N/A 2016
Andrée Dufort N/A 2007
Chantal Truchon N/A 2017
Michelle Dion N/A 2014
Michelle Dion N/A 2013
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2015
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2016
Micheline St-Pierre N/A 2016
Jeannette Dubé Cooper 1980
Jeannette Dubé Cooper
Jeannette Dubé Cooper 1980
Jeannette Dubé Cooper 1996
Micheline Tremblay Mondor 2015
Micheline Tremblay Mondor 2015
Michelle Brouillette Durocher 2014
Louise Fortin N/A 2016
Louise Fortin N/A 2016
Eva Lafortune N/A 1950
Hermine Desrosiers Ratelle 1945
Béatrice Alarie Renaud 1963
Carole Laurin N/A 1985
Christine Chapdelaine N/A 2018
Marie-Jeanne Boursier Riendeau 1982
Montreal QC
Photo Registry Number Name of Maker Maiden Name of Maker Married Name of Maker Year
Vesna Debeljak Savic 2014
Vesna Debeljak Savic 2005
Agathe Archambault Gautier 1979
Ann O'Malley Silverthorne 2016


Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institue for Studies in Canadian Art

For all errors, omissions or change of quilt ownership please contact
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